
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Bloom - Morning Musing Over Coffee


When I took my Little Buddy to the arboretum the other day it was such a beautiful experience. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, squirrels were busy being squirrels, and the flowers were bursting with color and life. 

  Seeing the flowers blooming so beautifully made me think of that quote "Bloom where you are planted." What if, instead of blooming where they will planted those flowers would try to pull themselves up on street corner where they would be seen by more people or tried to climb a tree to be higher than the other flowers. 

Or maybe they would decide they would rather be in the water with the fish and ducks and turtles. What a disaster that would be. Of course the ducks could also decide they don't want to be ducks, but would rather be flowers! Now that would be interesting, but rather disastrous. 

  I'm so glad those flowers were putting all their energy into being the beautiful flowers they were created to be, using all the resources available to grow, to put down roots and stretch out leaves and petals to the sun, bringing joy and adding value to their space and joy to everyone around them. 

But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you My power and that My name might be proclaimed in all the earth. 

Exodus 9:16

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