
Monday, June 5, 2017

Blessings and Responsibility - Morning Musing Over Coffee

 "Compared to what we ought to be, we are only half awake. Our fires are dampened, our drafts are checked, we are making use of only a small part of our mental and physical resources." (Find Source)
When I realize that compared to the majority of the world I live in complete luxury I am humbled. I have plenty of nutritious food to fuel my body and access to information and resources that allow me to learn nearly anything I need to learn to move forward in almost any endeavor I can think of. I have freedom to move about as I please, a safe, warm, and comfortable home in which to rest and refresh both body and spirit, and support from family and friends who love me for who I am. I am free to express my opinions, to share what I learn and to learn from others.
  Sometimes I think that to not be all I can be is almost a crime against humanity. Not because I am any more talented or gifted than anyone else but because I am so very blessed. And so much blessing also comes with a lot of responsibility. If I am blessed with resources and opportunity it is my privilege and calling to also bless others. Whether the blessing is material and can be shared with others or a talent or skill that can be used to encourage others, I have the privilege of being a blessing to others. 

  Think of all this I am reminds me of the parable of the talents. I don't want to act lke the foolish servant and hide away these blessings, attempting to keep them safe and secure. Instead I want to use them the way my Heavenly Father who blessed me intended for me to use them - to bless those around me. He wants to work through me to show His love and His provision and abundance to others. 

(Parable of the Talents)

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